Product development

Veikkaus onnenpelit

Complete reneal for Veikkaus lottery games: Lotto, Eurojackpot, Viking lotto, Keno and others.

Iconic Veikkaus lottery games in new shoes

Complete brand and design renewal project for all of the Veikkaus Lottery games. Games that were redesigned were Lotto, Eurojackpot, Viking Lotto, Keno, Synttärit, Jokeri, Kaikki tai ei mitään, Lomatonni and Tähdenlento. Design renewal project lasted about a year.

We in the two person design team were given free hands to renew structure, and look and feel in the limits of Tandem 2.0, the new global style guidelines Veikkaus was just ramping up. Special emphasis was to enhance user experience and accessibility, sand the gaming flows smoother, and bring product categories to the front. One goal was to improve technical feasibility

Project in short:

Complete renewal project for Veikkaus Lottery games.


The goal was to redesign the look and feel and user flows for all of the lucky games, which were outdated and slow. One target was to speed up the gaming process and provide visibility for group games. Besides this, better visibiliti and cross-gaiming were needed. Technical feasabilitis were also modernized.


2 Designers, 2 developers, product owner.

My role in the project

Development of concept design, user flows, look & feel, interactions, prototyping, user interviews, UI/UX design, helping team adopt design system work into work routines.



Concept design



Launching the project

User research data

First step after kick off was to map the vast amount of user data collected earlier. We also mapped, what information was missing from our open hypotheses. Planning user reaserch questions for missing information.


Brainstorming multiple ideas based on percieved user experience problems. Ideation for complete UI concept, user flows, and game components such as number pickers and shuffling numbers. Ideas for mobile and desktop

Evaluation & concept creation

We combined different kind of brainstormed ideas together. First rought sketches for graphical concepts. Further developed of graphical concepts and fitting them into part of design systems and brand visuals.

Reducing options

Activities: We start with reducing options and evalutate our ideas agains criterias. We combine and move aside ideas, fine tune graphical concepts and prototype and test.

Challenges: Quickly changing environment and fast adjusting for remote tests

Stages: Finalizing UI concepts ● visual concepts and putting them them into prototypes ● prototyping ● on-site user tests ● remote tests ● user test data documentation ● UX/UI design ● dev-design co-operation gets fully started.


Concept development

Concepts are further developed. Ideas are tested agains criterias. 



A-B testing



Graphical concepts

Three graphically finalized, where each of the concept tries to solve detected usability issues. Graphical concepts are apllied .


Three semi-fully funtioning prototypes are user tested first on-site. Later on 2 further developed concepts are tested remotely. The user tests in many cases resulted in either breaking or enforcing our hypotheses in open cases.


User tests: A/B testing

We build three semi-fully funtioning prototypes to test our hypotheses on user flows and components. We also probe acceptance for our new graphical concepts.



The big picture



Narrowing the funnel

Activities: The double diamond funnel narrows. The design concepts are further develop and more fine-tuned.

Challenges: Very late changes in principal elements in design system, affecting the work.

Stages: Design system building ● Co-op with DS team ● Breakpoints and layout deviations ● dev-co-works ● UX/UI&interaction design

Visual concepts

Visual concepts for game portfolio are further developed. Veikkaus’s brand renewal progressing in parallel line, keeping up with the brand updates, sparring with design lead. The design principles are tested to be fit for all of the 7 lucky games in the portfolio

Dev team co-work

Dev team has builds technical cababilties and after first hand-on starts to work on the first game in the portfolio

Design system building

Team spars the designs with design systems team, and cross-fertilizes designs between teams. We start building design system components for designs, to ensure quick design updates later.

Final spurt 

Activities: Development is on full speed in development. Before taking new portfolio team on the development table the team goes throught the new designs in design hands-on. Design is working 1 sprint ahead in designs and evaluates developed items togethere with dev.

Stages: Building design systems components ● hand-overs with dev ● applying new designs to all of the portfolio games

Dev team in speed

Development is on full speed in development. Before taking new portfolio team on the development table the team goes throught the new designs in design hands-on.

Design system iterations

Design system work creates updates for designs. Sparring with breakpoints, navigation logic, colour palettes.

Finishing touch

Lotto close to go-live. Hand-overs for the next lottery games. 


First product from the portfolio (Lotto) is published, team collects feedback from users. Next products (Viking lotto and Eurojackpot) are in finalizing phaze. 



Portfolio finishes




Working in this project was challenging purely because the vast amount of work to do (the whole range of Veikkaus’s lucky games). The brand renewal was going simultaneously on the side, and some visual adjustments had to be done along the way. As our team of two created also design assets for the design system. Unique for this project was, that all but the first stage user tests and interviews were done remotely, which turned out to be succesful.