Design systems

Veikkaus Tandem

Design systems building under brand renewal

Tandem – foundation for Veikkaus’s digital services


Veikkaus Tandem, when ’ready’ will change the whole of Veikkaus brand, including all of Veikkaus’s products; Onnepelit, Vedonlyönti, Kasino, Arvat, Bingo, and it’s impact is everywhere. That is why the acceptance and help of product teams and their designers was crucial.

Veikkaus Tandem

Veikkaus Tandem project -for the part I was working there- consisted of defining the foundations and design principles on top of which the future Design system artifacts will be built. From there, we continued with workshops with product teams, and continued to do so every time there were significant chunks of UI artifacts that were to be assessed within the product teams.

My role

My work was to also define basic rules of thump – guidelines how to onboard new designers to Design systems and Figma ways of working.

Project in short:

Veikkaus Tandem design system building


Tandem design system building had been going on before me joining the team. The goal was to build new and more in-depth design systems that includes the design system itself, guidelines for design community. Veikkaus’s digital channel strategy 2020 was to that all digital channels use Tandem components.


4 designers

My role in the project

My efforts for the design system building were: sparring to sharpen the design principles and fundamentals and design pillars, helping defining grids, layouts, breakpoints, sparring with font and colour librariers, some button libraries, card libraries, etc. I participated and facilitated in workshops were were gathered project insights from developers and designers. I also visited product teams and sparred their designs.







Defining design pillars

Activities: Defining design pillars and design philosophy that would guide our work

Challenges: Managing variety of products and sub brands

Stages: Sparring with design pillars according to new brand guidelines with Lead ● Mapping existing UI elements ● Workshops with product teams ●  co-work in many design areas ● Stakheolder workshops ● Building acceptance for design community ● Design system team work



Project stages


Mapping component scope

Discovery for all of the existing components, and prioritizing their urgency for updates. Schedule for project.

Existing Tandem designs

Vast amount of new designs that follows new brand styleguides allready existed. Those were to be added to the project.


Clarifying Veikkaus Tandem design principles and design pillars, based on Veikkaus Brand.

Sparring the team

Sparring the Design system team for best practices. Most of the team had no earlier experiences in creating design systems from the scratch.

From principles to building blocks

Activities: Creation of building blocks: heros, cards, buttons, input components, receipts, footers, etc. Sparring the DS team to create breakpoints and layout templates for different kind of screen sizes.

Challenges: Different kind of needs depending on the products and sub brands, big organizations moves slowly.

Stages: Text ● text

Tandem DS component creation

Components for frontpage, betting, lucky games and online casino

Sparring product teams to work in alignment with Tandem

Sparring the product teams











Guidelines and acceptance-building

Activities: Building guidelines and how-to instructions for Veikkaus’s internal desginer in how to part of DS ecosystem.

Challenges: Very different levels in skills on using tools and DS prossesses.

Guidelines on Figma component building

I created guidelines how to build components according to guidelines; autolayouts, variants, colours

Guidelines in team model

How to participate in component building, sparring with team model

Ease the acceptance curve

My work was to also define basic rules of thump – guidelines how to onboard new designers to Design systems and Figma ways of working.


Most challenges faced during this project existed because of the vast size of Veikkaus corporation. Veikkaus is a big organization, and development of design philosophy, DS elements and guidelines required lots of communication across the organization; dev teams, dev leads, designer organization, marketing, management, etc. I wrote more of my learnings in my Design stories page.