Case Studies

Selected case studies with my clients

Metso Outotek

Comprehensive user insights gathering within Lokotrack users in stone crushing operations.


Veikkaus Design systems

Veikkaus Designs system work included chrystallizing Veikkaus design principles and pillars into clear, communicable form. DS building also included building acceptance for product teams, developing common ways of working around Tandem design system ecosystem.

Veikkaus Lottery games

Complete renewal project for the iconic lottery games in Finland, such as Lotto, Vikinglotto and Eurojackpot to mention a few. As a whole it consisted of 8 games all together.


Veikkaus Raflle games

Re-design for outdated Veikkaus raffle games, with emphasis on discoverability, and safe playing features. Mobile-first approach.

Veikkaus Online casino

Veikkaus Online Casino was one of the first products under brand renewal, after Veikkaus betting (Vedonlyönti). The goal for the Online Casino was to enchange the customer experience on the site and reach customers that would otherwise play in international casinos.

The aim was also to ease discoverability and recommendations for the player. Biggest challenge was to keep in touch with design updates that were happening simulaneously in design systems. The goal was also to bring safety tolls such as gaming limits more visible to the user.

MTV3 Katsomo - Omnichannel design

MTV3 Katsomo design was truely omnichannel design project. The design work for this on-demand digital service catered  browsers, Android, iPhone and smart TV platforms.

Restictions for design renewal were vast due to legacy issues and aged technology and design work had to be done accordingly.

Work was done in close co-operation with Katsomo dev team.


MTV3 Live News

24/7 live news concept design and product design for MTV3 Katsomo.

MTV3 Live news where to be the first 24h news in the whole of Finland. This new product launch was a joint effort of MTV3 news studio and digital services and it combined diciplines and experts from all domains of MTV3 company: news anchors, studio managers, developers, and design.

MTV3 Live news was the whole of organization multidiciliplinary sample of work, where a lot of emphasis was put to research.


Sato One door service for tenants

A critical part of Sato’s future strategy was to digitalize it’s services and Omasato was essential part of it.

Our team of 2 designers, two developers and architect started building the so called MVP product from Sprint 0. On the basis of our work there was a rough graphical concept consisting of set of fonts, colour gradients and line of images.

Aktia portfolio - Concept design

Strategic design for Aktia private banking.

Strategic design project smoothing the design transition from a grand vision to execution. The results from the project where later carried to operational UX design level.

We were 6 designers from various design agencies, drafting a concept for the basis of future Aktia private banking products.

Aktia Wallet app

User experience design,UI improvements and feature design for already existing Aktia Wallet App.

Work included improving workflows and adding new features to the app, and was done in close co-operation with Aktia’s in-house developers.

Aktia mobile bank

User experience design for already existing Mobile bank app, for native iOS and Android. Work included defining user journeys, sparring old ones, wire framing and pixel-perfect visual design ready for dev.

Danfoss Drive pro

Product development project for Danfoss. Work included defining wanted features with customer, wireframing, creating functional prototype, and creating pixel perfect iOS and Android layouts ready for production.