Design stories

Learnings and experiences from along the way

Design systems learnings

Design systems have been around for some years now. They’re getting more complex and businesses are realizing their critical role in the business context.

I’ve been involved is design systems in a way or another for about 5 years now, and there hasn’t been two years identical between each other. The tools and processes evolve in a baffling speed, but here’s my learnings from along the way.

Design systems

Hackathon for good - Las Vegas stories

Couple of years back, I was lucky enough to be invited to a hackathon for good, a side event in AWS Re:Invent. The most memorable work trick I’ve ever had started from Los Angeles airport, from where we rented a car to ride towards Las Vegas.

A week in one of the biggest conferences in the world – having over 65,000 participants – literally blew my mind.

Design ways of working

Project by project I’ve grown to learn how crucial for the team’s success it is to define and share the common understanding of design processes within the team. Double Diamond has proved it’s survival throughout centuries from industrial revolutiuon to our days.

Even though the double diamond has it’s varioius interpretations depending on the team, the domain, the organization – the essential stay the same. But one thing remains the same – the fuzzy front.

Nielsen Norman Group

2019 I started to rehearse what I alreade had learned and learn new as a product designer in digital domains. The aim is to finish all studies related to N/Ng master certificate by the year 2022. The curriculum consists of design, research and management related courses.

Visual Design day

Throughout my years as a design consultant, I have had strong tendency to be sort of sucked into the customer world; the project, the people, the work. This is not peticularly a feature I’m 100% proud of, leaving back colleagues with whom I don’t connect that much.

This is why having a Visual design day with my dearest colleague Annika who had planned a creative, taskfull day in visualizations.